Thursday, October 29, 2009

Supernatural: Convincing the brothers

Continuation of the Supernatural fic.

Dean grunted. “Well educated? You look like you're thirteen.”

Kim glared at him. “And you look like you're thirty-five,” she retorted.

Without warning, Sam burst out in laughter, bending over and covering his mouth. He knew that Dean's age was a touchy subject―since he was no longer in the “prime of his youth”―so he always took pleasure whenever he or someone else would bring up his age. Sam looked back up to find Dean's angered eyes staring at him.

Sam cleared his throat, “Sorry,” he said.

Annoyed, Dean snapped his head back to face Kim. “Okay. I've had about enough of this, and enough of your smart-ass comments,” he said, pointing at Kim. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Fine,” she mumbled, picking at her jeans. There was a tear just above her knee that she had been fiddling with for some time, making the hole bigger than it needed to be. “I came here to help you,” she answered.

Dean scoffed, raising his eyebrows. “Help us? How can you help us?” He tucked his hands into his jacket pocket, cocking his head to side, waiting for her reply. The last thing he needed was help from some teenage girl.

“I'm what you call a...a, um, a hunter historian,” Kim said.

“A hunter historian?” Sam repeated, not familiar with that term. For a moment he thought that Kim was making that term up. He had been hunting for years, and to not know something like that confused him.

Kim shrugged her shoulders. “You can also call me a hunter's aid.”

“What's that?” Dean asked.

She dropped her head, frustrated. “It's a person that aids hunters, duh.” Kim looked over at Sam, and asked, “Does he always ask stupid questions like this?”

“Yeah, sometimes,” he answered, only to receive another glare from Dean. “You know some stuff about hunting?” Sam asked, disregarding the heavy stares coming from his brother.

Kim smirked, “I know a lot more than just 'some stuff' Sam,” she corrected him.

Dean took his hands out of his pockets and crossed them over his chest, standing up straight. “So you a hunter?” He looked over the short, dark haired girl. She couldn't have been taller than five-three, of Asian descent, maybe with some Mexican mixed in there. Kim didn't look physically strong so it was easy for Dean to doubt the fact that she could be a hunter.

“I've gone toe-to-toe with some demons before,” she nodded.

“Oh, really?” Dean asked skeptically.

Kim rolled her eyes, ignoring the badgering Winchester brother to her right. “But I specialize in the history of everything supernatural,” she told them. “I know everything there is to know: about every culture, every continent, past lifetimes, the whole shebang. And if I don't, I have ways of finding out.”

“Wow, do you have a life?” Dean jeered.

She turned to Dean. “This coming from the guy that's spent more than half his life tagging along his dad, slaying vampires, chasing ghosts, and fighting demons just for the hell of it?” Kim watched as Dean was about to open his mouth, but quickly stopped himself before saying anything. “Yeah, exactly. We're all a little crazy. But you're right, I don't really have a life, at least not a normal one. But then, would I really want a normal life an of eighteen-year-old? No, I've made this my priority. I know what I do, and I do it well.”

The brothers exchanged looks. There was a softness in Sam's eyes―almost sympathetic―while he listened to Kim talk about her estranged teenage life. His first impression of Kim was like Dean's: skeptical. To find a girl in their motel room late at night (or rather, early morning) talking about Yellow Eyes and hunting would cause suspicion for any other hunter out there. Yet as she explained herself, Sam couldn't help but form some kind of trust toward her. Not just anybody would know about Yellow Eyes, or have the skill to find the somewhat untraceable Winchester brothers. So there had to be some kind of truth to what Kim was telling them.

Dean, on the other hand, was still apprehensive about Kim. It was hard for him to open up to people and have faith in the every day person―especially because you could never tell if there was a demon controlling that person inside or not. His arms were still crossed, brow narrowed, but although he wanted to throw the girl out and forget this little encounter happened, he already knew that Sam would object.

“Okay,” Sam nodded. “So you want to help us with our cases?”

“Exactly,” she agreed. “I can give you the information you need for any kind of being. How to find it, what makes it tick, and how to send it back to the pit where it belongs.”

Dean smirked. “Well we already got Sammy for that job and―”

“But I'd happily give up that position,” Sam interjected, sitting down on one of the beds. “What?” he asked, looking up at his brother. “I don't exactly enjoy being your information gopher.”

Feeling that he was being ganged up on, Dean got down to the serious question. “Okay. So then what do you want from us?”

Kim sat up straight and stopped picking at her jeans, then placed her hands in her lap. “You know, just let me go with you guys.”

“Go with us?” Dean repeated. “Like steady? Oh, I don't know Kim, we just met, it's a little too soon,” he teased. Kim rolled her eyes while Sam looked at Dean, annoyed.

“That's not what she meant,” Sam pointed out.

Dean widened his eyes, nodding. “I know that! Are you crazy?” He turned to Kim. “You want us to let you tag along with us, is that what you're saying?”

She nodded, “Yeah.”

He threw up his hands and began pacing around the room. “Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen. We are not gonna babysit some girl while we are doing our job,” he said, looking down at Kim. “Saving the world fucking world!”

“Dean!” Sam yelled.

Kim chortled, somewhat offensively. “Oh, yes, because that plan of yours has been working.”

Dean let out a deep breath very slowly. “You know, you really gotta find that off button of yours.”

Sam stood up, taking a few steps towards Dean. “Dean, you need to calm down.”

“No, I don't,” he said to Sam. “Sorry, kid, it's just not gonna happen. Let's just pretend that what you've been telling us is true, and you're legit. And let's pretend that we were to actually let you help us...I mean, why do you have to go with us?” he asked. Then all of a sudden his face lit up like a light bulb, recharged. “Couldn't we just have some control base for you to stay at like in all those movies? Like in Armageddon.” he suggested.

Both Sam and Kim weren't following Dean's thought process. Dean was known for using pop culture analogies and references, especially about movies and rock bands. Sam often wondered how Dean's mind worked, and if it ran primarily like Bond movies with a Zeppelin soundtrack.

“What?” Sam asked.

“You know,” Dean started, “how Billy Bob was back at NASA and Bruce and Ben went up tot he asteroid and kicked ass! Huh? Doesn't that sound like it could work?” he asked, authentically enthused by his suggestion. “You could be Billy Bob,” he pointed to Kim, “and we could be Bruce and Ben. Granted, I get to be Bruce, because he's more badass. But hey, you end up with Liv Tyler.” He grinned.

Sam rolled his eyes, “Really, Dean?”

“Oh, come on, Sam,” he whined. “You can't really be thinking about letting her go with us? Are you?”

The answer Dean was looking for was obvious. A simple “no” would put a happy smile on Dean's face in a second. But Sam, being Sam―and the reasonable, level-headed brother―didn't see things the way Dean did.

Sam let out a deep breath and dropped his head. He scratched his head for a moment, looking over at Kim. Eventually, he turned to Dean and said, “Yeah, Dean, I think it'll be all right?”

“What?” Dean exclaimed.

“See,” Kim smiled. “Listen to Sam. He's the smart one.”

Dean snapped around to Kim. “You're pushing it,” he warned, pointing his finger at her.

She bit her lip. “Oh, yeah. Off button, got it.”

“Sam,” Dean looked at his brother. “Are you seriously considering letting her go with us?”

“Yes, I am,” he answered. There wasn't a playful or teasing tone to Sam's voice, and that scared Dean.

“Come here,” Dean said, pulling his brother toward the door, away from Kim, who was still seated at the small table by the window. “What if she's not being honest with us? What if she's lying and all this is just some front?”

“If I was going to do anything to you guys,” Kim interrupted, “I would've done it already.”

Sam nodded. “That's true, Dean. Look,” his voice was hushed. “What is one of the hardest parts about this job?”

Dean grinned. “Finding a motel with soft pillow.”


He sighed. “Getting people to believe us about what we do,” Dean answered seriously.

“Exactly.” Sam nodded. “And you'll just be another hypocrite if you don't trust her.”

“But Sam―”

“Dean,” Sam cut him off. “If what she said is true, then I think she can really help us out. Plus, she knew who we were, about what's happened to us. And she knew Yellow Eyes. That's something you can just read about in some book,” he pointed out. “We rarely get offered any help, so I think we should take it this time.”

Frustrated that he wasn't getting his way, Dean pouted like a baby. “Leave it to you to be the sensible one,” he grumbled, walking back over to Kim. “Fine, you can come with us,” he said. “But you've gotta hold your own, you got that?”

“Yes sir, Captain Dean.” Kim stood up and held her hand to her forehead, saluting Dean as he stood there, brooding.

Sam laughed, walking over to sit with Kim at the table. “You're gonna be a handful, aren't you?”

Kim shrugged. “Maybe. Probably, most of the time, yeah,” she smiled.

Dean was sprawled across the bed, his hands under his head. “Oh, goody.”

It was such an odd way to end a case: finding a girl, claiming to know about hunting and demons, only to have her join Sam and Dean on their trek across the country. In the business of demon hunting, it was advised to always expect the unexpected. And this unlikely team of three was not expected at all.

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